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Dr. M.V. Ramana Murthy

Scientist G & Director


Tel:+91 44 66783586

Dr. M.V. Ramana Murthy, Scientist G & Director, Doctorate from IIT, Chennai, Specialized in Offshore and Coastal Hydrodynamics, Wave Structure Interaction, Modelling of (Coastal Processes, Tsunami, Storm Surge, Urban Flooding), Port and Harbour Structures and Marine Spatial Planning. Also looks after the programmes of Ocean Structures/ Island Desalination, and Coastal and Environmental Engineering at the National Institute of Ocean Technology. He has 28 years of experience in Coastal research and Ocean Technology. Worked in Vishakapatnam Port Trust and Engineers India Ltd (EIL) in various positions in Planning, Survey, Design and Execution of Infrastructure projects. Successfully demonstrated many Research projects such as Establishment of Desalination Plants in UT Lakshadweep, Beach Restoration at Pondicherry and Kadalur Periyakuppam, Urban Flood Warning System (I- Flows) for Mumbai and Chennai, Offshore Wind development in Gujarat and Tamil Nadu, Monitoring Health of Coastal Water to meet SDG 14 and provides technical services to state govt in solving coastal issues. Ongoing projects include preparation of DPR for construction of Kalpasar Dam for creation of largest freshwater reservoir with Govt of Gujarat and Integrated Ocean Management initiative with the development of the framework for Marine Spatial Planning to aid Blue Economy under India Norway Collaboration and IPOI initiatives under marine ecology pillar. Recipient of National Award for Ocean Technology – 2021. View Profile

Dr. R.S. Kankara

Scientist G

(On Deputation to CWPRS from 26-02-22)


Dr. R.S. Kankara Scientist G, Specialised in mathematical modelling and GIS applications for coastal/nearshore hydrodynamics, sediment transport, coastal vulnerability assessment (tsunami, Storm Surges, Oil Spill, Erosion etc) and preparation of Integrated Coastal Zone/ Shoreline/ Oil Spill Management Plans. He joined in Government service as Research Assistant during March 1993.View Profile


Dr. Tune Usha

Scientist G


Tel:+91 44 66783587

Dr. Tune Usha, Scientist G & Group Head of Coastal Hazards and Training and Capacity building Groups, specialized in development of Geospatial tools, techniques and applications related to Coastal hazards (Tsunami, Urban Flooding, Storm Surges) Coastal vulnerability, resources mapping, Integrated Coastal Zone Management Plans and Geospatial applications trainer for the past two decadesView Profile

Dr. T. Shunmugaraj

Scientist G


Tel:+91 44 66783588

Dr. T. Shunmugaraj, Marine Biologist & Scientist-G.  He has extensive research experience over 32 years on specialization of marine ecology (coral reef monitoring, restoration of coral reef, seagrasses, mangroves and marine biodiversity) and Mariculture (hatchery production of crustaceans, molluscans, and marine ornamental fishes).View Profile

Mr. K. Venkatarama Sharma

Scientist F


Tel:+91 44 66783590

Mr. K. Venkatarama Sharma, Scientist F specialised in Microbiology, Strategic Management (Blue Economy), Science Diplomacy, Social Media Tools, Audit Exercise and currently heading Marine Ecotoxicology and Ecological Risk Assessment - related activities of NCCR.View Profile

Dr. Uma Sankar Panda

Scientist F


Tel:+91 44 66783592

Dr. Uma Sankar Panda, Scientist F is a physical oceanographer specialised in numerical modelling of biogeochemical interactions and dispersion of pollutants in coastal ecosystems, sediment transport and waves dynamics studies.View Profile

Dr. Sivaji Patra

Scientist F


Tel:+91 44 6678 7852

Dr. Sivaji Patra, Scientist F.View Profile

Dr. Sisir Kumar Dash

Scientist F


Tel:+91 44 66787033

Dr. Sisir Kumar Dash, Scientist F, Specialised in optical oceanography, ocean remote sensing, bio optical algorithm development and carbon fixation studies. Remote Sensing application to coastal studies like sediment transport, coastal erosion, coastal fisheries, etc.View Profile

Dr. K. Ramu

Scientist F


Tel:+ 91 44 66787410

Dr. K. Ramu, Scientist F is currently coordinating the National Program on Seawater Quality Monitoring along the coastal waters of India. His research interests are biological oceanography, organic pollutants, marine litter and fisheries.View Profile

Mr. V. Ramanathan

Scientist E


Tel:+91 44 66783597

Mr. V. Ramanathan, Scientist E, Specialised in Data Management & Data Mining Applications, System Administration and Web Application Development, Remote Sensing, Image Processing and GIS.View Profile

Dr. S.R. Marigoudar

Scientist E


Tel:+91 44 66787051

Dr.  S.R. Marigoudar Scientist E, Marine Biologist-Specialized in Marine Ecotoxicology & Ecological Risk Assessment - Identification of damage and risk to marine biota & ecosystem by environmental contaminants.View Profile

Mr. Satya Kiran Raju Alluri

Scientist E


Tel:+91 44 6678 3584

Mr. Satya Kiran Raju Alluri, Scientist E, specializes in coastal data collection and analysis, numerical modelling of coastal processes, urban flood modelling, preparation of novel and sustainable shoreline management plans, coastal morphodynamic evolution, detailed design of offshore and coastal structures with implementation strategies and post monitoring. He has worked in National Institute of Ocean Technology and TATA Consulting Engineers in various positions in Planning, Design and Execution of coastal and marine projects.View Profile

Dr. Sanitha K Sivadas

Scientist E


Tel:+91 44 6678 7811

Dr. Sanitha K Sivadas , Scientist E, Primary research area is centred on marine benthic ecology from intertidal to deep sea habitat. Current research includes macrofauna-ecosystem functioning relationship, applications of macrofauna as indicator of marine ecosystem health and, marine litter and micro plastics. Other research involves studies regarding the biogeography pattern of macrobenthos and preparing benthic species inventory.View Profile

Dr. Rabindra Kumar Sahoo

Scientist E


Tel:+91 44 6678 7810

Dr. Rabindra Kumar Sahoo, Scientist E, works with oceanographic aspects of coastal and wetland systems. His research area of interest is observation and analysis of met-oceanographic parameters, numerical modelling of coastal and estuarine hydrodynamics, sediment transport, coastal geomorphology & sedimentology and stability of tidal inlets.View Profile

Mr. Sondi Sudheer

Scientist C


Tel:+91 44 6678

Mr. Sondi Sudheer, Scientist C, is specialized in oceanographic data collection and analysis, numerical modelling of near shore coastal processes and ecosystems and preparation of shoreline management plans.  View Profile

Mrs. Preethi Sekar

Scientist C


Tel:+91 44 6678

Mrs. Preethi Sekar, Scientist C, specializes in coastal processes, beach morphology numerical modelling, preparation of shoreline management plans and design of marine components.  View Profile

Team's Capabilities:

  • Integrated Coastal and Marine Area Management and Marine Spatial Planning
  • Marine Pollution (Monitoring, Prediction and Development of Standards)
  • Eco-toxicology and Ecological Risk Assessment studies
  • Marine Litter and Micro plastic studies
  • Environmental Impact and Social Impact Studies
  • Mapping and Monitoring of Critical Habitats such as corals, mangroves etc., and Restoration, Stock enhancement
  • Ecosystem Modelling for conservation of Marine Habitats
  • Offshore and Coastal Hydrodynamics- Observations and Modelling
  • Coastal Engineering and Front End Engineering and Design ( FEED) for ports harbours, coastal infrastructure projects
  • Coastal Hazards and Vulnerability studies
  • Development of Integrated Flood Warning Systems
  • Application of  Remote Sensing and GIS coastal applications and development of applications
  • Capacity building in Coastal Research and Engineering