11th Plan programmes
Having made significant contribution in analyzing causes for coastal erosion and suggesting remedial solutions through Shoreline Management Plans, successfully demonstrating linkages of physical and chemical parameters on biological productivity by adopting the concept of ecosystem modeling and paving way for prescription of water quality criteria for heavy metals like cadmium, mercury and copper, it is proposed to enlarge the above activities which widen the application of concept of Integrated Coastal Zone Management during the 11 th Plan. The details of projects proposed to be launched are:
Assessment of vulnerability of coastal areas of Karnataka, Kerala, Orissa and Tamil Nadu to coastal erosion and preparation of shoreline Management plans.
The Coastal Erosion Control Directorate (CECD) and the coastal states have identified several areas of serious coastal erosion along the country. As it has been found that the Shoreline Management Plans prepared under the ICMAM programme are based on vast scientific data and model outputs lead to concrete conceptual design of interventions to solve the problems, CECD which is funding projects on Coastal Erosion control to the states, have suggested to develop Shoreline Management Plans through ICMAM PD. Accordingly, considering the capacity to conduct such studies and based on suggestions made by the coastal states, the ICMAM PD has been undertaking by itself and along with institutions following areas to prepare the SMP: Gopalpur (Orissa), Gangavaram (AP), 6 locations in Kozhicode, Kannur and Trissar Dist of Kerala ,5 locations in Uttar Kannada (Devbhag, Pavinkurve, Kodi at Kundapur, Uliargoli Padukere). Out of the above projects except the project at Gangavaram, the activities have been initiated with field collection of data on waves, tides and currents required for development of wave, hydrodynamic and sediment transport modeling. At the end of these projects, SMP recommending suitable interventions will be prepared and submitted to the State Govts for implementation.
Development of a seawater inundation model for storm surges which uses an indigenous software.
The presently available software to predict inundation of seawater during storms surges in inland water bodies do predict accurately the inundation in estuaries and canals. As these software are not amenable for modification due to lack of access to source code, it has become necessary to develop an indigenous software. The project aims to achieve it and is being implemented jointly by IIT Delhi and the ICMAM PD.
Ecosystem Modelling in Kochi backwaters, Chilka lake and Sunderbans
The Ecosystem based modeling approach helps in prediction of likely changes in biological productivity regimes in the event of likely changes that may occur in its physical and chemical characteristics due to anticipated man made activities. Preliminary studies at Kochi and Chilka lagoons have yielded valuable information on various components of ecosystem. During 11 plan period, the studies have been extended to the entire Kochi backwaters and Chilka and predictive models on fishery production based on its dependent inter-related physical, chemical and biological components will be developed. Similar studies will be carried out for a limited area in degrading Sundarban mangroves (W.Bengal) to understand causes of degradation and their future status considering the likely changes in that may occur in future. Out of the above projects, project activities for Chilika and Sundarbans have been initiated with the field measurement programmes commencing from Dec.08 onwards. The activities of Kochi backwaters will be initiated from Sep.'09 onwards.
Prescription of seawater quality criteria for more heavy metals and organic ave beencompounds through Marine Ecotoxicology experiments
Prescription of Safe Seawater Quality Criteria is an essential requirement in pollution control activities as it becomes a reference value to evaluate impact of changes in water quality that may be caused due to disposal of wastes from industries and domestic sources. This is essential to maintain water quality required for survival of marine organisms. United States and European countries have prescribed such standards for more than 200 chemicals. In order to continue the efforts made during the 10 th plan period in determining seawater quality criteria, the programme will be expanded in the 11 plan with an aim to determine criteria for arsenic, chromium, pesticides like monocrotophos and polyaromatic hydrocarbons like pyrene. Experiments to determine safe limits for arsenic, chromium, zinc and lead are in progress