Coastal waters are sensitive marine systems to environmental pollution. The increase in population leading to the rise in industrialization and urbanization in the last century has expedited the rate of coastal water pollution, leading to increased stress on the ecosystems. Since human populations are unevenly distributed around the globe with higher densities, leading to more pressure on the ecosystem and local resources. The areas within 100 km of the coastline are among the densely populated areas around the globe, and India's coastline has no exception. In order to conduct sound coastal and ocean management and help to set up appropriate environmental policies and decisions. The fundamental activities such as coastal water quality monitoring, real-time data generation and prediction are to be performed. Hence, the following framework is being undertaken:
- Monitoring coastal water, sediment and microbiological parameters at monthly intervals.
- Event-based studies on algal blooms, coastal foaming, oil spill, mass fish kill, effects of flooding and heavy rainfall on water quality.
- Installation of sensor based buoy for the coastal water quality monitoring
- High resolution eco-hydrodynamic water quality model for Chennai, Puducherry coast.
- Water quality forecast for Chennai and Puducherry coastal waters.
- Provide forecast of SST, salinity, DO, BOD and E.coli for Chennai coast.
- Development of Mobile App “Clean coast” for a coastal WQ information system for stakeholders and the public.
- A web-based Information service system for water quality and beach ratings.
Schematic picture of PWQ Program activities
- Real time water quality data for Chennai and Puducherry coast can be accessed here.
- Three days forecast pollution indicating water quality parameters for major beaches at Chennai and Puducherry coast.
- Status of current scenario and quantification of pollution level around Chennai, Puducherry and Puri coast.
- Data on marine litter and microplastics for development of marine litter policy for the country and regional seas.
- Dissemination of information to the stake holders for proper usage of the beaches, sustainable utilization and management of resources.
- Pradhan, UK, Naik S, Mishra P, Panda U S, and Murthy M.V.R, (2024) Sediment distribution and transport pattern in the nearshore region, southeast coast of India, Anthropocene Coasts, 7:16.
- Naik S, Pradhan U K, Karthikeyan P, Begum M, Panda U S, Mishra P, Murthy M.V. R, (2024) Heavy metal pollution causes mass mortality of fish in a tropical estuary in the southwestern Bay of Bengal, Marine Environmental Research, 199, 106595.
- Pradhan U K., Pradhan S., Naik S, Mishra P, Panda U S., Mohanty P K, (2024) One-Dimensional Shoreline Evolution Modeling at Sea Turtle Nesting Ground Near the Rushikulya Estuary, Southern Odisha Coast, India, Geo-Environmental Hazards using AI-enabled Geospatial Techniques and Earth Observation Systems, Advances in Geographic Information Science pp-91-103, Springer.
- Pradhan U K, Panda U.S, Mishra P, Naik S, Begum M, Ramana Murthy M.V, (2024) Cusps development after cyclone (Vardah) along the east coast of India: data and theories. Geo-Marine Letters, 44: 5.
- Pradhan U K, Naik S, Panda U S, Mishra P, Murthy MVR, (2024). Abundance and transport of macro-litter at sea turtle nesting beach: A case study for sustainable habitat management. Regional Studies in Marine Science, 70, 103353.
- Naik S, Pradhan U, Karthikeyan P, Bandyopadhyay D, Sahoo RK, Panda US, Mishra P and Murthy MVR, (2023). Ecological risk assessment of heavy metals in the coastal sediment in the South-western Bay of Bengal. Frontiers in Marine Science, 10:1255466.
- Pradhan U K, Panda U S, Naik S, Mishra P, Sathish Kumar D, Begum Mehmuna and Ramana Murthy M V, (2022). Coupled hydrodynamic and water quality modeling in the coastal waters off Chennai, East Coast of India. Frontiers in Marine Science, 9:987067.
- Mishra P, Begum M, Gera A, Kumar B C, Deviram G, Pradhan U K, Vashi A, Bandyopadhyay D, Naik S, Panda U S, Ramana Murthy M V, (2022). Factors responsible for the sudden outburst of Noctiluca scintillans in the Chennai coastal waters, southeast coast of India–a case study. Oceanologia, ISSN 0078-3234, 64(4), 781-788.
- Mishra P, Naik S, Babu P V, Pradhan U K, Begum M, Kaviarasan T, Vashi A, Bandyopadhyay D, Ezhilarasan P, Panda U S, Ramana Murthy M V, (2022). Algal bloom, hypoxia, and mass fish kill events in the backwaters of Puducherry, southeast coast of India. Oceanologia. 64,396-403.
- Pradhan U K, Mishra P, Mohanty P K, (2022). Beach and nearshore sediment textural characteristics of a monsoonal wave dominated micro-tidal, human perturbed environment, Central east coast of India. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 15 : 667
- Pradhan U K, Mohanty P K, Mishra P, (2022). Coastal erosion: a threat to sea turtle nesting habitat, east coast of India, RendicontiLincei.ScienzeFisiche e Naturali, 33, pp. 153-167.
- Naik S, Begum M, Pradhan U K, Bandyopadhyay D, Vashi A, Panda US, Mishra P, M.V. Ramana Murthy. (2022). Anthropogenic impact influences the episodic events in the coastal waters of Chennai metropolitan city. IEEE Xplore Digital Library, ISBN: 978-1-6654-1821-8.
- Begum M, Naik S, Pradhan UK, Ezhilarasan P, Naidu AS, Bharathi D, Muthukumar C, P Karthikeyan, Iyyappan M, Gopinath G, Sanitha S, Dash S K, Usha T, Panda U S and Mishra P, Ramana Murthy M V. (2022). Assessment of Ennore Oil Spill 2017 on Chennai Coastal Water and Biota. IEEE Xplore Digital Library, ISBN: 978-1-6654-1821-8.
- Vashi A, Bandyopadhyay D, Begum M, Naik S, Panda U S, Mishra P. (2022). Microbial contamination in the coastal waters of the southeast coast of India: A comparison of pre and post COVID-19 lockdown scenario. IEEE Xplore Digital Library, ISBN: 978-1-6654-1821-8.
- Sathish Kumar D, Panda U S, Pradhan UK, Mishra P and Ramana Murthy M V. (2022). Assimilation of water quality buoy data for improved forecasting, IEEE Xplore Digital Library, ISBN: 978-1-6654-1821-8.
- Pradhan U K, Naik S, Mishra P, Mohanty P K. (2022). Sand Spits: A Prominent Coastal Feature Along East Coast Of India, Environment and Sustainability Volume II, Chapter-4, ISBN: 978-93-91768-09-6.
- Naik S, Pradhan U K, Panda U S, Mishra P. (2022). Phytoplankton Blooms Along the East Coast of India: A Review On Decadal Events, Environment and Sustainability Volume II, Chapter-5, ISBN: 978-93-91768-09-6.
- Begum M, Kumar C S, Naik S, Pradhan U K, Panda U S, Mishra P, (2021). Indian coastal waters: a concoction of sewage indicator bacteria! An assessment on recreational beaches. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 193(7): 1-21
- Naik S, Mishra R K, Sahu K C, Lotliker A, Panda U S, Mishra P, (2020). Monsoonal Influence and Variability of Water Quality, Phytoplankton Biomass in the Tropical Coastal Waters – A Multivariate Statistical Approach, Frontiers in Marine Science,7, 648.
- Pradhan U K, Sahoo R K, Pradhan S, Mohanty P K, Mishra P, (2020). Textural Analysis of Coastal Sediments along East Coast of India, Journal Geological Society Of India, Vol.95, pp.67-74.
- Panda U S, Pradhan U K, Sujith S, Naik S, Begam M, Mishra P and Ramana Murthy M V, (2020). Bathing water quality forecast for Chennai coastal waters, Journal of Coastal Research, 89(sp1), pp.111-119.
- Sujith kumar S, Panda U S, Pradhan U K, Mishra P and Raman Murthy M V, (2020). Web-Based Decision Support System for Coastal Water Quality, Journal of Coastal Research, 89(sp1), pp.139-144.
- Pradhan U K, Mishra P, Mohanty P K, Panda U S, Ramanamurthy M V, (2020). Modeling of tidal circulation and sediment transport near tropical estuary, east coast of India. Regional Studies in Marine Science, 37: 101351.
- Pradhan U K, Mohanty P K , Mishra P , Behera B and Sahoo R K, (2019). Changes in sediment texture by turtle mass nesting at Rushikulya rookery, Indian Journal of Geo Marine Sciences Vol.48 (03), pp. 280-282.
- Pradhan U K, Naik S, Begum M, Sujith S, Panda U S, Mishra P, Ramana Murthy M V, (2018). Marine litter: post-flood nuisance for Chennai beaches. Current Science, 115(8), pp.1454-1455.
- Mishra P, Panda U S, Pradhan U K, Saravana Kumar C, Naik S, Begum M, Ishwarya J, (2015). Coastal water quality monitoring and modelling off Chennai city. Procedia Engineering, 116, 955 - 962.
- Pradhan U K, Mishra P, Mohanty P K and Behera B, (2015). Formation, growth and variability of sand spit at Rushikulya River mouth, South Odisha coast, India. Procedia Engineering, 116, 963 - 970.
S.No | Name | Designation | Specialization | |
1 | Dr. U S Panda | Scientist F & Group Head | Numerical modelling of biogeochemical interactions & dispersion of pollutants in coastal ecosystems, sediment transport & waves dynamics studies | uspanda[at]nccr[dot]gov[dot]in |
2 |
Dr. Rabindra Kumar Sahoo |
Scientist- D | Numerical modelling Coastal and Estuarine Processes, Management of Tidal inlet systems, Coastal water quality modelling and Observation & Physical Oceanography |
sahoork[at]nccr[dot]gov[dot]in |
3 | Mr. P. Senthil Kumar | Project Scientist-III | Ocean Observation | psenthila[at]nccr[dot]gov[dot]in |
4 | Dr. Umakanta Pradhan | Project Scientist-II | Physical Oceanography, Coastal processes and Numerical modeling | umakanta[at]nccr[dot]gov[dot]in |
5 | Dr. Subhasis Pradhan | Project Scientist-II | Physical Oceanography | subhasis[at]nccr[dot]gov[dot]in |
6 | Ms. AthanVashi | Project Scientist-I | Marine Biology, Phytoplankton pigment | avashi[at]nccr[dot]gov[dot]in |